
Documentation for all runtime functions (Web APIs + Deno global) can be found on doc.deno.land/deno/stable with unstable APIs which are enabled via the --unstable flag at doc.deno.land/deno/unstable .

Web Platform APIs

对于已经存在的 Web 标准 API(例如,HTTP 请求的 fetch),Deno 是去使用这些标准,而不是发明新的专有 API。

更多详细信息,请参见 Web Platform APIs

Deno global

All APIs that are not web standard are contained in the global Deno namespace. It has the APIs for reading from files, opening TCP sockets, serving HTTP , and executing subprocesses, etc.

The TypeScript definitions for the Deno namespaces can be found in the lib.deno.ns.d.ts file.